Join us for a Special Symposium
ASM Microbe 2016 – BOSTON
Industrial Metagenomics – Large Scale Analysis for Food Safety
June 18th, 2016 6:45pm – 10:00 pm
Boston Convention Center Grand Ballroom West
The program will highlight the microbial ecology of foods as they relate to food safety and microbial diversity in the micro biome. Speakers will discuss technical aspects of defining the microbiome using metRNAseq to determine microbe ID, function, and forensic assessment of hazards in the food supply.
Mapping microbiome data to predict food safety risks
Jose Clemente PhD; Dept. of Genomics & Multiscale Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai
Metagenomics in the beef processing chain
Noelle Noyes, PhD; Dept. of Clinical Sciences, Colorado State University
A new method for rapid, culture-free whole genome assembly from mixed microbial communities
Ivan Liachko, PhD; Dept. of Genome Sciences, University of Washington
Mapping the Metagenome with an Ever Smaller Ruler
James Kaufman, PhD; Manager, Public Health Research, IBM Research, Almaden Research Center
Using metaRNAseq in the food chain for microbial hazards
Bart Weimer, PhD; Dept. of Population Health and Reproduction, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis
Christopher Elkins, PhD; Director, Division of Molecular Biology, FDA/CFSAN
Kristen Beck, PhD; Researcher, IBM Research, Almaden Research Center
David Chambliss, PhD; Principal Researcher, IBM Research, Almaden Research Center